Fountain Valley, California (March 17, 2021) – Advanced Charging Technologies Inc. (ACT), a leader in cloud-based integrated solutions for forklift battery and charging technologies, recently expanded manufacturing to San Antonio, Texas to accommodate increased growth opportunities and the ever-evolving global battery charger market.
Fountain Valley, California (March 17, 2021) – Advanced Charging Technologies Inc. (ACT), a leader in cloud-based integrated solutions for forklift battery and charging technologies, recently expanded manufacturing to San Antonio, Texas to accommodate increased growth opportunities and the ever-evolving global battery charger market.
At ACT, the company has developed a line of UL outdoor rated, high efficiency battery chargers to charge electric GSE, utilizing lead acid as well as lithium-ion batteries. “ACT Quantum GSE Chargers are designed with Wi-Fi connectivity and can remotely implement energy management programs such as Peak Shaving, which reduces electrical usage during periods of maximum demand for the power utility, and Demand Response, which reduces electrical usage temporarily based on change in the price of power,” says Nelson.